We are a gospel community on mission.

Worship with us in-person or online: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Small Group Bible Study at 9:00 a.m.

West Jackson Midweek

Midweek at West Jackson

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West Jackson Midweek

Midweek at West Jackson

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What we believe shapes who we are.  We desire to grow deeper in our understanding of who God is and what He has done that we might see Christ formed in our lives through His power working in us.

Learn what we believe.

Life is meant to be lived with others.  We are committed to loving as Christ has loved us through serving, encouraging and calling one another to Christlikeness.

Find a group.

We all give our lives to something. We are passionate about making the most of every opportunity to see the gospel proclaimed and Christ glorified in our neighborhoods and the nations.

Learn about our missions partnerships.

What we believe shapes who we are.  We desire to grow deeper in our understanding of who God is and what He has done that we might see Christ formed in our lives through His power working in us.

Learn what we believe.

Life is meant to be lived with others.  We are committed to loving as Christ has loved us through serving, encouraging and calling one another to Christlikeness.

Find a group.

We all give our lives to something. We are passionate about making the most of every opportunity to see the gospel proclaimed and Christ glorified in our neighborhoods and the nations.

Learn about our missions partnerships.

What we believe shapes who we are.  We desire to grow deeper in our understanding of who God is and what He has done that we might see Christ formed in our lives through His power working in us.

Learn what we believe.

Life is meant to be lived with others.  We are committed to loving as Christ has loved us through serving, encouraging and calling one another to Christlikeness.

Find a group.

We all give our lives to something. We are passionate about making the most of every opportunity to see the gospel proclaimed and Christ glorified in our neighborhoods and the nations.

Learn about our missions partnerships.