The word ‘Gospel’ literally means good news and is the greatest news possible for a world that cannot escape or overcome the reality of suffering, sin, and death. It is a message of the hope that we might receive eternal life through Jesus Christ because of his sacrifice on the Cross and resurrection from the dead on the first Easter Sunday.
We believe that the Gospel is the most important message you can ever come to understand. It is a message about Jesus Christ: who He is and what He has done for us through His life, death, and resurrection from the dead. It is a message that has dramatically transformed people from every background and life experience over the course of thousands of years — and it is a message that continues to change lives today.
At West Jackson, our greatest joy is to see people realize their need to be forgiven of their sins and restored to relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We count it as our highest privilege to share this good news freely and openly, and to help men, women, and children see their need and God’s great gift of salvation.
Throughout the year, we frequently celebrate Lord’s Supper and Believer’s Baptism. Our worship style is progressive, with both modern and time-tested songs that celebrate the Gospel of Christ.
If you would like to know more about our specific positions on teachings and doctrines in Scripture, we would encourage you to review the Baptist Faith & Message (2000). If you have questions about faith or would like for us to pray for you, we would love to talk to you! Feel free to use the link below to get in touch with us today.