Witnessed people of all ages profess Jesus as Lord and Savior through baptism on our campus. In recent months, we’ve celebrated baptisms on a weekly basis!
Continued supporting the ministry center in Southeast Asia to train pastors and provide refuge for the persecuted.
Sent mission teams to Guatemala, Paris, Calgary, Boston (MA), Los Angeles (CA), and New Orleans (LA).
Saw several children and students respond to the gospel through our Hartland Ministry.
Expanded our new ministry to equip grandparents to disciple their grandchildren.
Shared the gospel with hundreds of children through Vacation Bible School and our All-Star basketball league.
Witnessed hundreds of students experience life change through camps, retreats, and mission trips.
Completely renovated spaces for adult Community Groups and our thriving College & Young Adult ministry.
Provided lodging and meals for hundreds of homeless men through our ongoing partnership with Room-in-the-Inn.
Gave over $450,000 to support missions around the world through the IMB, NAMB, and direct partnerships.
Will celebrate Christmas with thousands from our community, sharing the hope of Christ through Christmas Village (December 13-15)!
May the Lord use us to do even more in 2025 as we continue to give ourselves to Him!